What your friends don’t know about you could kill you

Samantha Jensen, MA, MAEd
5 min readAug 9, 2021

A cautionary tale about diabetes in college, and keeping your health issues to yourself.

photo: jonah brown @ unsplash

The risks of keeping health issues to yourself.

Thank God for modern technology, or my son might be dead. Eric was both a college freshman and a Type 1 diabetic. I can tell the story from my perspective, as I got the call at 2 am from his glucose monitor, and luckily he can still tell the story from his viewpoint as well.

It was the middle of the first term. Eric was on a hall of first-year students from all over Minnesota as well as Wisconsin and Iowa. A true midwest college experience. No one from his high school was going to U of Iowa, although there were some friends within a couple of hours at different, smaller schools. His friends knew him and understood what it meant that he had diabetes. They looked out for him. He trusted them, and they had never let him down. So, trusting mid-western, Eric took this sense of trust in others with him to college. Honestly, I cannot blame him. We live by faith and trust, both in God and in our fellow man in the mid-west. The world would be a better place if more folks followed this example. But I digress…

Although Iowa was a huge school, especially by our standards (he had more people in his freshman class than we had in our whole town, or in our…



Samantha Jensen, MA, MAEd

Teacher, mother, wife, photographer, writer of fiction and narratives